Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) - Centre of Excellence
The Radicalisation Awareness Network – a practitioners’ network
The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) connects first-line practitioners around Europe working daily with those vulnerable to radicalisation, as well as those who have already been radicalised. As teachers, social workers, community police officers, etc. they are engaged in preventing and countering radicalisation and violent extremism in all its forms, or in reintegrating violent extremists.
The RAN Centre of Excellence (CoE) acts as a hub for connecting, developing and disseminating expertise. It supports and coordinates RAN, and fosters an inclusive dialogue between practitioners, policy-makers and academics. The CoE develops state-of-the-art knowledge, and supports both the European Commission – which funds RAN – and the EU Member States. It also helps shape the Commission’s research agenda, and liaises with those implementing ‘prevent’ initiatives inside and outside the EU.