GCOCP-Institute for applied prevention research (GCOCP-i)

The German Congress on Crime Prevention – GCOCP (in German: Deutscher Präventionstag – DPT) is on the one hand the 1995 founded and meanwhile world’s largest annual conference on the topic of crime prevention and related prevention areas. On the other hand the GCOCP forms a platform for information, knowledge transfer and an interdisciplinary dialogue between prevention practice, prevention research and prevention policies.

The GCOCP-Institute for applied prevention research (GCOCP-i) promotes the dialogue between prevention research, practice and politics.

Major tasks of the GCOCP-i are:

  • Intensification of the dialogue between science, politics, administration, organizations and civil society on the results of prevention research with the aim of a stronger foundation of knowledge in the field of prevention  
  • Cooperation with other scientific institutions in order to implement research projects with a practical orientation
  • Consulting of the German Congress on Crime Prevention and its partner organizations concerning the results and present situation of prevention research
  • Implementation of research projects with the perspective of a practical application of research results
ich Marks


Erich Marks

Institute for applied prevention research
Siebstraße 4
30171 Hannover
